Pumpkin Ice Cream

Even if it’s winter and it’s pretty cold outside, ice-cream lovers can’t help themselves from this amazing frozen delight. For those of you who feel this way, here’s an amazing ice- cream recipe that can help you prepare this yummy dessert in the comfort of your home. You can stay inside where it’s warm, and share a delicious dessert with your loved ones. Today’s amazing flavour is pumkin! Follow the recipe to combine the ingredients properly and you will savour the perfect ice-cream.
«Pumpkin Ice Cream» play online for free. Share online game with their friends on social networks or simply add it to itself in bookmarks.

The game «Pumpkin Ice Cream» from the category «Cooking» is made using HTML5 technology, therefore it is suitable for any browser on a personal computer. You can also play it on your tablet and smartphone (iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Huawei, Xiomi, Sony, running iOS, Android). Game control on any mobile device is carried out with your fingers.

This online game is suitable for children of all ages, for boys and girls, as well as their parents.
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