Richard the Stork Online

The little sparrow Richard, who considers himself a stork, an owl and a parrot are sent to exciting adventures. They have a long flight to warm Africa. Can a small sparrow cope with this task? Will he and his friends have enough determination, courage and strength for this adventure? Look at the "Richard the Stork" cartoon and you will get answers to these questions. In the meantime, relax and play a puzzle with your favorite characters. Enjoy!
«Richard the Stork Online» play online for free. Share online game with their friends on social networks or simply add it to itself in bookmarks.

The game «Richard the Stork Online» from the category «Richard the Stork» is made using HTML5 technology, therefore it is suitable for any browser on a personal computer. You can also play it on your tablet and smartphone (iPhone, iPad, Samsung, Huawei, Xiomi, Sony, running iOS, Android). Game control on any mobile device is carried out with your fingers.

This online game is suitable for children of all ages, for boys and girls, as well as their parents.

How to play «Richard the Stork Online»

Use the mouse to play.
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